Friday, February 3, 2012


thank God it's friday and lesson learned for today do not get ever jealous of anything for you are unique on your own way. but i can't blame anyone but my self for being ridiculously envious of a person i can't be. im a dreamer but not a believer how can i possibly survive life when i can't even understand my self. :((

but i should never get destructed of small things for my birthday is coming. yey! february month it is. but what should i do on my birthday? im nearly on my 20's and i can't just accept the fact that im not teen anymore. :(( i haven't grown up that much and i wanna do a lot of things, i wanna be like others but i cannot be like others. so sad!!!! :((

i wanna sing, i wanna dance, i wanna write, i wanna travel, i wanna act, i wanna dress fashionably, i wanna get taller, i wanna play, i wanna eat and i want more, more and more. period.

thanks for today Lord God. tomorrow is yet another day to live by and be happy.
have a smile :)

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