Wednesday, September 5, 2012

the last time

the title does not mean anything. i just want to post something new on this blog since i had my last post on February? now im not so sure about it. the thing is, im really, really lazy to post sensible topic or any related stuff to may fandom or to my real life. maybe it takes, a few or more push for me to actually post something that is "readable" AND FUN.

March, April, May, June, July, and August, these months have been so pretty normal for me. but the middle of the year i got pretty busy with my OJT and now, yes now, finally im done with it. and the real pressure now comes in. i have to make the portfolio for the final requirements, need to update my self for the latest school activities and lastly, need to compose myself with the pressure im having.

i hope i got pass through it and after i could do whatever i like, go wherever i want and just be free.

END of STORY. :))

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